Reading your timetable


When you join TFS you will be given a timetable. It will be your responsibility to follow your timetable. This means making sure you know what lessons you have each day and where to go at each part of the day. Below is an example timetable and some questions for you to answer. The answers are also below.

En = English Ma = Maths Sc = Science Gg = Geography Hi = History Mu = Music and The Arts Cl = Classics Pe = Physical Education Sm = Social, Moral, Social and Cultural Education Fr = French Cc = Cultural Capital Mm = Morning Meeting


  1. What lesson does Daisy have Period 3 on a Monday?

  2. When is the first time in the week that Daisy has French?

  3. List all the subjects Daisy has on a Friday.

  4. What lesson does Daisy have on a Thursday P5?

  5. What lessons does Daisy have 'Double Lessons' for?